Monday, February 20, 2012

Girls Night Out and The Line

Yesterday, my good friend invited me to attend the Girl's Night Out tour with Christian artists' Mandisa and Laura Story.

It was great to hang out with some friends, and the music was good. I liked Mandisa, but I really enjoyed Laura Story and her testimony.

Between the two acts, there was a presentation about poverty and disease and the need for Christians to make a difference. Then the speaker made an analogy. He said that everyone sitting in the auditorium is privileged. That if 100 people represented the world then we are the first in line - that none of us are starving and all of us had access to medicine and care. So why then did God put us in the front of the line? He put us in the front to give us the opportunity and ability to help the ones in the line behind us. Then volunteers came through the aisles with information about children who need sponsored.

"The King will reply, 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.' Matthew 25:40

Our family understands what this speaker was talking about. We have seen the poverty and living situations; however, every single time I hear someone speak about the situation I feel moved to find ways to do more. At this time in our life, adoption is the way we feel God is asking us to do this. However, we know at some point this will change. I, for one, am excited to see what is in store for us.


Even through this powerful presentation, you could just see that many of the attendees are only focused on being and staying in the front of the line! In fact, they do not want to turn their heads and see who is behind them. Many people were talking, others took the opportunity to take a walk, and many others were texting on cell phones. Throughout the concert, I saw lines and lines of people purchasing t-shirts that cost approx. $25. However, I noticed only a few people in line to sponsor a child.

How and why do we choose to ignore this? I just do not understand.

For the record, I am not saying that everyone needs to adopt. I am not saying everyone needs to sponsor a child. I just wonder what would happen if everyone just did something to help someone in need. The need is so great. What can you do for the single mom, the widow, the homeless, the physically or mentally disabled, the foster children, the orphan, the hungry, the hurting...the list goes on and on.

What if God had placed you our your loved one in the back of the line?

I think it is about time that we turn our heads and realize why God put us in the front of the line!!!!

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