Saturday, January 26, 2013

Overdue update!

Don't know where to even start! 

Our holidays were great!  Everyone was healthy and had fun.  We went to visit G & G Thomas in Oklahoma a few days before Christmas and enjoyed some warm weather, lots of yummy food and fun times.

On the way home, we got to visit with our good friends!  Table for 18 - please!!!!!

Everyone enjoyed Christmas Day!  Spencer thought Santa was way cool.  However, he stumped us when he asked "Why Santa didn't visit him in China?".  We just changed the subject quickly.  We will have a better answer for next year.

We stayed at home for New Year's Eve, and if felt like all we did was eat all day long. 

A few highlights of the last month or so....

*Ethan ordered his class ring and was nominated for the MO Scholar's Academy.

*Spencer is out of his cast and started physical therapy.  He is still using his walker.  He was also spotlighted on our agency's blog and Face*book.

*Devin, Heidi and Izzy are playing Upwards Basketball.  Pictures to come soon.

We are getting back in the swing again.

Hopefully, I will update the blog more. 

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