Tuesday, August 24, 2010

He Met Her!!!

Today was the big day! Chris met our little girl for the first time. She went right to him, but was a bit shy the whole day. I guess she is usually quite outgoing. He said she loved to swing and let him know that she didn't want to stop. LOL He said she was quite a bit smaller than Riley and very cute. He also said that I am going to be very, very busy. Thanks babe!
Tomorrow is the Embassy appointment. Chris is looking forward to seeing more of Addis Ababa. He hasn't had the opportunity to get out yet. He said the weather was absolutely beautiful today, but it has been chilly at night. He said that he has slept well, but has a little bit of altitude sickness.
We are doing fine here. I took Riley to the doctor yesterday, because he ran a high temperature the night before. The Dr. thought he just had a virus. He feels much better today.
I can't believe she will be home this week!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Back to School and leaving in 3 days!!

The kids started back to school yesterday. I already miss them being home!
This year I have an 8th grader, 4th grader and 2nd grader. They grow up so fast!!

However, I have been keeping busy packing my hubby up to leave on Sunday for Ethiopia. I can't believe our little girl is finally coming home. As I mentioned before, a good friend of ours visited their little boy in Ethiopia a few weeks ago. While there she took photos and a great video of Ruth! We couldn't believe how much she had changed since the last video. She seems so sweet. Although I think I am going to be extremely busy chasing my TWO 2.5 year olds around. LOL

Tuesday, August 03, 2010

Update and photos

Our really good friends went to Ethiopia for their court date last week. We are so excited to say "they passed"!!!
Anyway, while they were visiting their adorable little boy...they took the time to give our little girl some loving. It was so great to hear more about her personality and development. They reported that she is very beautiful, sweet and cuddly, but has a temper!!!
They also took some photos for us. Thanks guys!!!
She sure looks happy!

Monday, August 02, 2010

Bulgogi and friends

Last Friday our adoption group went to our annual luncheon at a great Korean restaurant. A majority of the children in our group are from S. Korea, but we also have a few from Vietnam, China, Guatemala, and soon Ethiopia!!
We have a fun group and the food was great. Our family really likes to eat Bulgogi. I couldn't get over how well everyone ate.
Here are a few photos...

Riley and his buddy, Luke

An attempted group shot!